WOPR - Visualisation Tool for ULTRA

Analysing the large amount of data produced by evolutionary algorithms is a complex and critical task.

WOPR is a visualisation tool designed to simplify this process by displaying data at various levels, enabling a deeper understanding of the underlying evolutionary processes.

The name "WOPR" pays homage to the iconic "War Operation Plan Response" computer from the film Wargames. The main interface evokes the aesthetic of the fictional system, with its blinking panels and multiple screens.

Search logs

ULTRA can be configured to produce several types of search logs, each offering unique insights into the evolutionary process:

  • the dynamic file contains summary information recorded by generation, including changes in fitness (both of the best individual found so far and of the entire population);
  • the layers file provides a snapshot of each layer in the population structure, detailing data such as ages and fitness levels;
  • the population file offers a detailed representation of the clustering of individuals during evolution.

As the evolution process progresses, ULTRA continuously updates these files generation by generation. Simultaneously, WOPR polls the files and generates graphical representations of the system's current state and its trajectory over time.

Methods of Visualisation

WOPR employs a variety of visualisation methods to present data effectively.

Dynamic File

  • Generates an error bars plot displaying the mean and standard deviation of the population's fitness, alongside the best fitness achieved in each generation.
  • Maintains a sequence list of the best individuals found for reference.

Population File

  • Creates a scatter plot showing the number of individuals clustered by fitness.
  • Produces a shaded plot illustrating the trend of the entropy.

Layers File

  • Produces a heat map where each row represents a layer and each column corresponds to the fitness of an individual.
  • Generates an error bars diagram illustrating the range of ages within each layer, with vertical lines marking the suprema (upper bounds) for ages of individuals in a given layer.

By transforming complex data into clear, visually intuitive formats, WOPR provides researchers with powerful tools to explore and understand the dynamics of evolutionary algorithms.